So I've decided in honor of Alan Turing to release this patch I created free to the public. I hope you enjoy experimenting with this patch as much as I have. at first I thought I would make it into a patch for Juicebar. I decided against this. Instead I thought I would share it with the community.
Discussion (1)
Yes, it's great🏅that you're drawing attention to "Alan Turing". He died in a psychiatric hospital, totally alone at his end, very tragic! There's a very nice movie about it, a biopic.
🙏👏And thanks a lot Jacob for the patch, maybe compile it into an Arena/Avenue plugin for those who don't have Wire and please add a Reso min. version number and the⚙️ system requirements. But that's not meant to be a criticism, just a plus & suggestion for your friendly offer.❤️💚💙
With only the best regards, bennoH. from mountainous Switzerland🐼🙋
〽️-------------- german orig. text -------- 〽️
Ja sehr schön dass Du auf Alan Turing aufmerksam machst. Er ist total einsam in einer Psychiatrie verstorben, sehr tragisch. Es giebt ja ein sehr schöner Kinofilm also so ein Biopic.
Und danke Jacob für das Patch, vieleicht noch zu einem Arena/Avenue Plugin Compilieren für die welche kein Wire haben und eine Reso Versionsangabe bitte noch eintragen respecktive die minimalen Systemanforderungen. Das soll aber keine Kritik sein sondern eine Anregung zu deinem freundlichen Anfebot.
Mit nur den besten Grüsen bennoH. aus der bergigen Schweiz