This software in development looks very promising. Tooll 3.0
Tooll 3 - A realtime animation toolkit
Tooll 3 is an open source software to create realtime motion graphics. We are targeting the sweet spot between real-time rendering, graph-based procedural content generation and linear keyframe animation and editing. This combination allows…
- artists to build audio reactive vj content
- use advanced interfaces for exploring parameters
- or to combine keyframe animation with automation
Technical artists can also dive deeper and use tool for advanced development of fragment or compute shaders or to add input from midi controllers and sensors or sources like OSC or Spout.
We strongly believe in usability and intuitive and beautiful interface design. That's why we experiment with different approaches before striking the right balance between usability and powerful flexibility. Currently tool version 3 is an ongoing development. It's stable enough to produce high-end visuals create motion graphics use many industry standard features like color correction, scopes and…
Preview of Tooll 3.0
Discussion (6)
new stand alone is out -
Tooll 3 Tip#016 - Adjusting Soundtrack and BPM-Rate
3.5.1 Standalone has been released :)
3.5.1 Standalone has been released