Cover image for Do you even Wire, bro?
Ryan Sage
Ryan Sage

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Do you even Wire, bro?

Nearing completion of my final v1 of my first busking midi/osc handler between Arena and my Livid OhmRGB and Codev2. All written in Resolume Wire. Will be breaking down modules best I can before reworking for my v2 which will be more performance centric.

This initial patch allowed be to more easily rebuild my collections and show file after a 13 yeat hiatus due to complete loss of data including show files/scripts. I rarely touch my mouse and can float between 32 bypasses on each selected layer fx, set transport/target, blend, timeline control, cue points, and playback control. Not to mention i can grab layer 1-7 clips 1-64 by 1-8 toggle buttons.

Wanted to share before i finally break this monster of a patch down.

I'll do a proper write up, tutorial, and sample release once i finalize. It's been written to be somewhat dynamic and allow for prefix strings both for in/out

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Discussion (2)

corunography profile image
Jon Corun

Wow, this looks fascinating! Looking forward to hearing more about how you use this!

vdmo profile image
