Cover image for Meldown
Adem Jaffers (vjMandala)
Adem Jaffers (vjMandala)

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I wont attempt to write too much about these two c1991-1993 videos, which emerged out of the Acid House era c1987-89ish that engulfed the nooks and crannies of Melbourne's club and early Rave scene.

Suffice to say they were landmarks within their genre, and have not seen the light of day in the online sphere since their inception some 30 years+ ago.

I will say this, one of the most interesting things about how the videos came about in my mind was how the Jeff Jaffers had Directed 2 music videos for the band Third Eye.

And as a process of making any kind of music video or film there is often more footage shot or material generated that can fit within the edit of a short music video.

Jeff utilised his own imagery and the commissioned generated material by video artists Troy Innocent, Karen Ansel and Adem Jaffers for music video clip, and the musicians Gus Till and Ollie Olsen who created the two Third Eye tracks, created two 30 min videos with unique soundtracks, whilst repurposing many of the material, including off the cutting room floor to edit the Meltdown series.

The videos do speak for themselves.

Third Eye 'Real Thing' music video
Resulting long-form Meldown video.

Unfortunately Third Eye 'Pray' music video not online.
Resulting long-form Meldown^2 video.

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