Discussion on: DaVinci Resolve 19 + Fusion - Whats New

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bennoH. • Edited on

❤️💚💙 for DavinciResolve by a lover of movingMotion in RGB

After FinalCut Studio, to day FinalCutX & Motion, D-Resolve are now my second favorite editing software, and they're even good in free mode. Unfortunately, the concept and workflow of FinalCut aren't achieved in my opinion as a former cutter, editor and producer in the broadcast sector who started with analogue Betacams and miniDV for local TVs by real VJs (and the abbreviation is really correct here, it was always V for video and J for journalist, way long before VJ for VideoJokay was rong used!). Nevertheless, Resolv with its Fusion integration is an absolutely great video editing and motion FX software. Hardcutt is a bit more accessible in concept here because too many features can be really annoying or distracting. Otherwise I find the workflow of FinalCut more logical in many ways, but as someone who is a bit of an oldie in the field and at least a workflow is offered that corresponds roughly to moving images. I only find this dramatic with the Adobe products where you can clearly see and feel that an image editing mindset overshadows the motion workflow concept, which is simply illogical and not possible for motionpictures works.

In reality, I don't have a newer or really usable Mac anymore and I work in D-Resolv under Win for editing, but for Motion VFX I also like to use NukeX time by time, or for simpler things I use the free version of Cavalrie.