Discussion on: 25% Off Christmas Sale!

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Hello Eric, are you a developer or something from MXR, I think it's an interesting program. On the associated web-siet it is advertised that there is a free version for VJs, but I choose it, but I land on Steam and see only an offer for CHF 44.50 (not for free) and a demo version there. Is this demo version with watermark or missing features and which. I can't even see if this 44.50 is a monthly fee or something, or whether it's for a lifetime license, very poorly declared, especially since I've received a free offer beforehand (your website "for VJs") rather annoying. And does that have to be on this unpleasant Steam?! Can't you build a normal Windows-installer? I'm not a gamer and I don't want to have anything to do with that environment. Steam like EpicGames are suspect to me! Does the app have to be connected to the network if I use the AI tool or something else or does everything work offline?
A message via the associated webSiet (contact/support - also I can hardly create a decent message thanks to the idiotic character restriction, thank you very much) I also unsuccessfully sent it (thanks again very much), you don't even give an email (you are from the secret service or something or don't know what an email is!!?) and answers seem to take an exceptionally long time via the contact form, so now it's over 3 days without feedback (thanks very much again & again).

All of this is rather very sobering and tedious moo frustrating and darkens the light around the seemingly radiant MXR program, it's a shame, but maybe I'll get some answers here.

Have a well 2025, greetings bennoH.🐼