Cover image for Free Resolume Wire Class.
Jacob Mesick
Jacob Mesick

Posted on • Updated on

Free Resolume Wire Class.

Tomorrow I will be hosting another free Wire tutorial class on my friends discord page.
Image description

If your are interested in Checking it out you can join us here tomorrow.

Also here is the free patch in case you are interested in learning about wire along with all the other free patches in this series.

Discussion (3)

bennoh profile image

Great, I'm a bit busy with my new Arena/Avenue plugin series, but we'll see if I get around to it. Later, for sure, so thank you very much.

bennoh profile image
bennoH. • Edited on

Oh i see it is on discord and i do not acept the condishens of discord can you turn it to YT, vimeo or a googleDrive?

jacobmesick profile image
Jacob Mesick Author

The wire patch files themselves are on google drive link and the recording will be uploaded to YouTube later today, possibly tomorrow.