The Node Institute has just released on its Youtube channel a series of videos to help you start learning vvvv gamma.
Personnaly I got introduced to visual programming with *vvvv beta *, if you're like I was, afraid of typing a line of code, you will find vvvv gamma very interesting because it will help you achieve stunning visual without typing a single line of code.
So follow this link and start learning: VVVV gamma 5.0 Tutorial series for Absolute
vvvv gamma 5.0 - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners: 1. Navigating the Environment
vvvv is used by great artists all around the world like Refik Anadol or Joanie Lemercier
vvvv gamma 5.0 - Tutorial for Absolute Beginners: 2. Data Types & IOBoxes
The Node Institute is also also offering an in-depth beginner course in the upcoming summer semester, spanning 12 sessions about real time renderings, audio and data visualizations, creative coding algorithms and object-oriented patching in VL. It start on April 17th! More info here.
Discussion (1)
super! @newemka