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Object Manipulation + PhotoMosh Proof-of-Concept

hey, guys, @vdmo on my case to actually post here finally =P

ahhh so i'm like fire-dancer type and by day am a graphics programmer for a software startup, VJing is not really my field. but i'm pretty handy in Blender, AfterEffects and been loving ComfyUI (StableDiffusion AI) this year. .....

anyway, i very recently got bought PhotoMosh, it's the first real-time effects software i've used. just seemed silly for me to always be building effects from scratch in AE. .... once i got PhotoMosh i knew i needed a Midi Controller so i bought an Arturia MiniLab3.

so now my work meetings are a ton of fun, cos i've been piping PhotoMosh thru OBS Virtual Camera and then point GoogleMeets at that so now i real-time glitch out my webcam while in conference calls and trip out my colleagues hah

the YT link above was the first test of PhotoMosh under UV lights with my new S-Staffs (Buugeng!). .... i setup the MIDI keyboard for my girl-friend, so she was twiddling away on the knobs and doesn't have a clue what she's doing. . ....

anyway ..... all that because i have a question.

i would love to build a mobile rig of Laptop + Webcam + Projector + UV lights that i can put on a cart and drag around at a festival. ..... Earth Frequency 20th Anniversary is next year and i'll be taking my 10yo daughter for the first time, gonna be large . ......

does anyone have any advice on Webcam and Projector specifically ?....

thanks, happy days! =) ∞ <3
Sven aka StarfuryFlames

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starfury Author • Edited on

RealTime PhotoMosh (UV Buugeng S-Staff) Proof-of-Concept