We have arrived at Episode 31 and this weeks guest is my dear and close friend Spencer Sterling / @spencersterling1565 An Audio/Visual swiss army knife! Spencer is my go to guy when i have issues or am stuck with something, his knowledge is super widespread. He has worked on massive commercial shows for @SilentPartnersStudio working with the likes of Katy Perry, Beyonce and many many more, he more recently was poached by the massive AI company @RunwayML to work on secret projects for them and since has engrossed himself in the current AI boom. We had an awe inspiring convo jumping from Spencer learning TouchDesigner in college to finding notch, to the massive differences of working on your own projects and massive commercial shows, to the ins and outs of stable diffusion and some truly interesting history and current trajectory of AI in general. For Spencer's SET he showcases for us the absolutely insane Laser mapping set up he has built with @TouchDesignerOfficial , @NotchVFX and @Ableton , it's quite fascinating and extremely inspiring. Spencer is the sweetest smartest dude I know, and I cherish our friendship and wholly appreciate him coming on!!! Check out Spencers awesome socials and his insane Tumbler - / cerspense https://x.com/cerspense / automatagraphics (chapters coming soon...) The Visual Cast Podcast is a weekly, recorded live visual podcast, where we interview some of the best, most influential and most talented visual artists from around the world! We break up the interview with the "set", an interactive portion of the cast where the guest chooses what they want to share with us!! It can be anything from a live generative visuals set to a show and tell of a past project, or in this case a look at a Laser mapping workflow. Please like and subscribe & join us next week for another episode! Follow us @thevisualcast to find out who next week's guest is! If you enjoyed this podcast, please head on over to Apple Podcasts and Spotify and give us a review!! Intro/Outro music by Mantismash / mantismash Follow the Cast / thevisualcast / thevisualcast Follow Alon Hammer/REM / remvisualart / remvisualart https://remvisuals.com Thank you so much for watching and again a massive thanks to Spencer for coming on!