Cover image for Mosaic, an openFrameworks based Visual Patching Creative-Coding Platform: 0.6.5

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Mosaic, an openFrameworks based Visual Patching Creative-Coding Platform: 0.6.5

MOSAIC - an openFrameworks based Visual Patching Creative-Coding Platform


Mosaic_v0.6.5_beta Latest

Mosaic is a visual thinking toolkit made by artists, for artists.

Mosaic is a livecoding programming/patching environment for creating real-time audio-visual compositions. It's principally designed for live needs, as can be teaching in class, live performing in an algorave, or running a generative audio-visual installation in a museum. It aims to empower artists, creative coders, scenographers and other creative technologists in their creative workflow. It's a FLOSS, Free/Libre and Open Source Software with multi-platform support, and it's written in C++, offering high performance.

Mosaic is shipped with an internal code editor, non-blocking system dialogs, a programmable non-linear interactive timeline, an included patch video exporter with subtitler for easy tutorial creation, lua/python/glsl/bash live-coding and pure data live-patching capability, a good selection of audio synthesis modules, multiple fullscreen output windows capabilities ( as many as your system can have ) with an independent warping for each window, a map-map style integrated mapping module, and an easy to use osc sending/receiving objects/nodes for network communication.

mosaic ui


  • FLOSS, Free/Libre and Open Source Software
  • cross-platform
  • openGL 4.1, glsl shading languages from 150 to 410
  • plugin injection capable, see Mosaic Plugin
  • multi-threaded
  • ImGui based docking GUI interface
  • included automatic window video exporter with subtitler for easy - tutorial creation
  • non-blocking system dialogs
  • lua/glsl/bash live-coding
  • pure data live-patching
  • good selection of audio synthesis modules
  • non-linear interactive graphical timeline
  • warping integrated on output window object
  • mapmap style projection mapping module
  • tracy profiler for solid debug and profiling

mosaic ui


  • update : removed Mosaic window video exporter due to cross-- compatibility issues
  • bug fixing : fixed video exporter object
  • bug fixing : fixed crash on internal code editor keyboard
  • shortcuts when no files present
  • update : switched from ofxHapPlayer to native OF video player due to some incompatibility issues with of0.11.2
  • update : added keyboard shortcut for most used objects


  • bug fixing : Fixed runtime errors when access on empty vectors
  • code cleaning : Lots of warning removal

Discussion (2)

subpixel profile image

Questions about update:
"switched from ofxHapPlayer to native OF video player due to some incompatibility issues with of0.11.2"

Does the native OF video player play HAP video efficiently (GPU accelerated)?

vdmo profile image
vdmo Author

Latest update 0.6.6

Mosaic ↀ an openFrameworks based Visual Patching Creative-Coding Platform
Mosaic, an openFrameworks based Visual Patching Creative-Coding Platform

Stable release: 0.6.6 beta
FLOSS, Free/Libre and Open Source Software
openGL 4.1
plugin injection capable, see ofxMosaicPlugin
ImGui based GUI interface
included automatic window video exporter with subtitler for easy tutorial creation
non-blocking system dialogs
internal code editor
lua/glsl/bash live-coding
pure data live-patching
good selection of audio synthesis modules
non-linear interactive timeline
warping integrated on output window object
map-map style integrated mapping module