Cover image for MXR - powerful no-code, real-time 3D environment powered by live data inputs.

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MXR - powerful no-code, real-time 3D environment powered by live data inputs.

Hollywood quality VFX simplified for live events, virtual production and XR

The MXR is a 3D animation tool designed to empower creators with no-code high fidelity VFX tools for concerts, live events and broadcast. Current industry standard tools are pixel based, but MXR uses geometry and advanced 3D geometry, FX, simulations, shaders, and post processing. MXR represents a massive generational leap forward for VJs, live visual designers, broadcast design and XR. Using LFOs and external data inputs, creators can automate a variety of FX and parameters to create dynamic environments for use as audio reactive or interactive real-time visuals.

In short, MXR is revolutionizing live visual creation by leveraging the best of tools like Blender, Unreal Engine and Resolume into one dynamic and responsive creator tool.


Use advanced real-time rendering and VFX to create 2D screen content for concerts, festivals, LED volumes. MXR also automates PTZ control and provides a straightforward video compositing.


MXR seamlessly tailors audio-visual analysis — from native 3D rendering for 2D displays to immersive XR engagements. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or an aspiring creator, MXR invites you to redefine the boundaries of creativity. Welcome to the future of visual storytelling!

Available via


Epic Games

Discussion (7)

bennoh profile image

Yes first i think too
Wow wow wow


Yes, that all sounds more than just ecstatically super good.
Just lovely people, I was on their website, and yes, OK, my mobile is a bit busy and overcrowded at the moment, but sorry, I haven't seen a website that works so badly for years and these people claim to have programmed such great things when it seems like they don't even have HTML etc. down pat.
Then you can't find any information about the company on the website (Adress/Headquarter/Email/Phon - nothing), no company headquarters or owner and certainly no email address.

I tried to use the contact form, but when you enter it you are limited to an extremely short message (once again, youngy people who are ready for the hospital if they have more than 10 sentences, really annoying, really stupid, simply unbearable, such uncommunicative and limited young people of today, with 30 apps open on their smartphones at the same time and talking to 220 people at the same time, but under that behavier only allowing 3 words per minute for each of the people they are talking to and this is completely haphazard - extremely annoying). I don't know if the sending worked, my mobile Firefox just froze if i togle send.
Really people with high programming knowledge👎🥱, or not.
The pricing structure is also a mystery to me. Then they say that full 3D will be possible, but it seems that this will only really be implemented in the upcoming version 1.2. or id just in the venueVersion for 299.-.
Well, theVJ-Version for 39.- would be worth considering, but this bad general impression just tells me to stay away, they promise so much and what is then delivered seems extremely questionable.

It would be a possibility to make Resolume Arena fully 3D capable, but everything is just too opaque and leaves a very, very bad impression at first glance and as the saying goes: you should trust your first instinct!
It's a shame, I was enjoying it but no thanks, I already have enough problems.😜

mxr profile image

Hi BennoH, what phone are you using? Our site works quite well on iPhone.

Have you used MXR? We’ve used it successfully at festivals like Coachella and Mutek. We don’t put contact info on our site because we get a lot of spam.

bennoh profile image
bennoH. • Edited on

I use a Xiaomi Redmi 9Pro, ok it's a bit outdatet (I hold my on to pay a new if that works fin lik a charm, do not unocologycly things!!) but was a great device, beter then iPhons in datashit, and that for under 300.-$. Use u iPhons, ower prestigeGears & toys for U self, U snops!!!!!

But that is all not the mater at hear, the mater is everi other Websit works real fast & fin on my side (at my pohone), but yours is more then misserable!
Thats the point & do not wayout. Check ouer site by difrend devices and i'm shure U see the problems!!

Otherhands what is that pricingdifrency between VJ-Version & Venu-Version. Is in the Venu more options on or way and what for.
Me i'm a digital, light & videoartist like since 2001 works as VJ.

And way U says in U main PR thats it's suport fuly 3D and otherhands i see a info that 3D com up later in V1.2? Is U Website not updatet by the infos or i misunderstand somthing? Pleas explean it to me.
And explean it me what means 3D implementation. It means i do a Model in Blender and can load that .blend-fil in U soft, and can i texturing that in U soft and can i controll shaderoptions for that thextur. By controll i mean "live" by performing lik a ISF or other fragmentshaders.
Witch Shaderforms U suport in U soft, fragment, geometrie, vertex, etc. Or i missunderstand the PR.
Explen it so i (we) can clear and fast understand.

I rumor at the dor of ResolumeB.V. a long time a go to implement vertex and geometrieshaders but nothing go on at that side. & Now we arive the age of SPIR-V under Vulkan. Thats all bs!!

I use now Wire to implement fike3Ds over ISF-Nodes witch have remarching and fraktalformulas (mandelbulber) in the code witch are compreset in fragmentshaders, that works solala, but I can't model my own 3D perfect lik in Blender or somthing lik that. Tooll3 contrahands use sutch mysticly 3D files that i ask me way them do not work with blenderfiles that know moast of peaple and will get a contemporary workflow.B.S.!!

Witch country and city U company are locatet. Dit U have somthing to do with ResolumeB.V. from nederlands, some seam persons or some cooperations?

So it's U turn, please replay and tell me somthings. My contact data by no shame of my are:





My 78 free Arena/Avenue Plugins:
This Project was made on a "HP OMEN" Desktop PC with a Nvidia RTX 3080 GPU and it's cloast now, now more free DLs.
This project was menthored by the
Light Art Equipment Foundation Europe
HQ Virgin Islands
My new PluginSerie2024 with a lot more featchers is under progress, all plugins are then 4K ( & fully compatible by 1080), with a beter GUI-Designe & firsttime I do too some TransitionPlugins (mixers), all like we have bassed on ISFs (fragmentshaders), but by brandnew stuff witch u can't find at the ISF-platform, codet or recodet by my self. It coming end of summer 2024 out then.

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mxr profile image

I’m not sure if you’re joking when you call me a snob but let’s keep things civil.

What browser are you using? We haven’t gotten any complaints about our site from anyone else. We’re using spline.design/ for the 3D elements on the site. The webGL may not be working well on your hardware or browser. Does the spline site load well for you? Is anyone else here having a hard time with the site?

About MXR, it’s a UI layer on top of Unreal Engine 5 similar to Twinmotion. It’s a packaged application which means it’s stand alone and much faster than running in editor mode. We support GLTF, OBJ and FBX in the VJ tier. That may change. We’re still working out our pricing model but the main planned differences between VJ and venue is that venue will support distributed computing so you can use many machines to render and a more robust integration with OSC and DMX.

Our goal is give creators a tool that’s super powerful and inexpensive and have larger companies like a club or festival provide more features and infrastructure. In this case creators can show up with a usb drive with .mxr scene files and some 3D assets and the venue provides a lot of the things that costs money. I.e. DMX lighting and MXR compute.

We just started a documents page. It’s under construction but this may load better for you. It’s a work in progress but has a lot of information.



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bennoh profile image

Its ok Eric, i see U like to be in the background, don't tell enithi g abot U loacation or somthing by resolume.

But I thank you for your above-average quick response, and I'm very sorry that you too don't simply support the Blender format fully and concentrate on what is freely accessible, which has been able to assert itself over a very long period of time against pre-proprietary software and is becoming more and more popular, OBJ is s oldy , textures and materials are usually not transferred like mutch aktual newer things from 3Ds, and I don't even know about the others. Of course I can output .obj in Blender, but that's no use because so many Blender-specific things aren't transferred. Your price difference is massive, but OK, the event organizers should just have to dig a little into their pockets, VJs and video artists are only hired at the cheapest rates, if at all, and would rather book 200 DJs and change DJs every 10 minutes than include a fee for video people in the budget. The current trend is that music DJs or simple technicians run visuals from idiotic videloops like i do 15 yesrs a go and the like off a can. For me as a visual artist, however, the creative process, i.e. the pre-production, for a show is the hard work, while the live performance is the dessert, and you are obviously supporting the fact that the dessert is taken away from us video artists, or you are talking about a USB stick with pre-made things that the organizer can then just run and save a lot of money, yes, it's great how thoughtful and what art promoters you are, I'm not surprised at all about your iPhone. The people at Reso now prefer to sell video loops to music DJs than concentrate on program development, as Vulkan will probably already be outdated by the time it gets to them. You're making me penniless and then I'm supposed to pay something for it, to support and promote you, so I strongly advise all artists not to buy anything from you. But it doesn't matter because the AIs will beat you like video artists in the near future anyway. Everything will be fed into the club from a cloud system, the mapping will be done and pre-production will be unnecessary. You will live to see it. But you have to give it to yourself, you are open to discussion and immediately, this i can say u have a big + by my, so maybe you are just a bit of a snob. I started with Apple in 1994 when I put my Ataris in the corner after my TI-A400. "Think differently" was the slogan on Apple at that thime, and then I woke up in 2006 and realized that they probably meant or actually meant "Think just to my own money", although Wozniak was OK but Jobs was purely financial and used everyone around him, which ultimately manifested itself in the company philosophy even if they like to see themselves differently. You shouldn't support Apple, they don't pay any real taxes anywhere but sell masses of completely overpriced devices, the production takes place in China, apparently often under questionable working conditions and Apple makes the big finanzwin. Xiaomi is a holy cow in China, a figurehead and therefore offers relatively reasonable working conditions and pay by Chinese standards.

I think my next step after Reso will be to take a closer look at Toll3 and simply use Reso as an interface eit now more so drasticly pur updats, or costs for nothing. Tool3 It doesn't cost me anything and looks very interesting & last but not leadt maybe i can do somthing communitylaik by my self. It's a shame that people don't join forces and pull together here, I regret the same thing with Linux, 1000 + 1 derivatives, everyone has to cook their own soup instead of just joining forces a bit more and finally being able to stand up to Microsoft like Apple, in other words eliminate them. From WinXP and the system change to OSX, the core of both was stolen by Lux all two just becuse dictated from above, this creates a bit more consistency, they will now also compete with Google & Co for AI dominance, developers like you will then only be suppliers of ideas that are quickly put out to tender. We as a community, as a whole and at the same time end users, can only fight back, but time is of the essence.

Good, nice chat dear Eric from Nirvana or somewhere, I'm a 57 year old guy and I'm now getting back to my ArenaPlugins and after that there's nothing for a long time, relaxation, and then Tooll3, you can let off steam however you like, that's OK.
Thank you mutch for you time, infos & understandig, with just the best wishes & greetings from Switzerland by bennoH.

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mxr profile image
Eric • Edited on

Hi BennoH, we turned off the webGL objects on our site. It should work for you now. Check out our site, it should explain more about what we’re doing.

I’m a creative director and executive producer. I hire creatives all the time. The work I’m doing in the music industry need better tools. We worked with Google 4 months ago to implement Gemini Imagen into MXR. These are private APIs but we also implemented Stream Diffusion which is a free local model. We’re working on several AI approaches. MXR is myself and 2 programmers. We have families to feed and are hoping MXR provides enough value that others want to pay for it. We also use it to produce our own shows. You can see more on our company site andpull.com

Unreal Engine is very hard to learn which makes it expensive. Epic gave us a small mega grant because they think some people would benefit from using their engine without needing to spend years leaning blueprint scripting.

I’m a fan of GLTF and USDZ. They’re an optimized exchange format. Blender however has many features that aren’t designed for real-time which makes it limited for a VJ tool.

You might check out our YT to see MXR in action. Blender doesn’t run at 90+ fps. That’s something we offer that blender and Resolume can’t or even UE5 in Editor or PIE mode.

vjmandala profile image
Adem Jaffers (vjMandala)

Wow, this is cool af!