Cover image for Read  about post that went against Community standards at Facebook: Meet Omakub - Your Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH

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Read about post that went against Community standards at Facebook: Meet Omakub - Your Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH

So here is a quick story for you all my readers.

Yesterday evening I shared this link at @Facebook @VJ Union Software and it got removed! Apparently, Community Standards and All! :) Crazy, right? :)


So what is Omakub?

In few words, Omakase is a Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 created by no other then DHH (Of Ruby On Rails fame). It's a new bash script that, when run, will transform a fresh Ubuntu 24.04 LTS installation into a system optimised for web development, all by running a single command.

So you get nice and customisable Linux Set up with many tools and programs already configured.

Omakub screenshot

In my own experience, this might be a nice point for those that starting out and to brings more people to coding with easier access environments.

Some of you may ask, why is this relates to VJ'ing? Well. many people still use Linux for VJing too and with web-based toolkits around threejs and many other systems require node, this set up might be good option for those that venture into that territory and want fresh configured start. You can always de-reconfigure it later :)

And to Explain this project little further, - David ..take it away! ;)

Omakub Website


p.s I still not sure why this goes against community standards @fb land. thoughts anyone? post below ...

Discussion (1)

vdmo profile image
vdmo Author

At the same time Facebook is happy to maintain mountains of groups that promote cracked content and stolen video for sale. Unbelievable!! And it's not breaking any Community Standards !
I feel that bots are used to check things and on surface they do not understand the difference between one person and another selling something. Needs to be addressed .. content sold that is not authentic to authors is not the way to go.
I'm a bit shocked on this in retrospect of things.