Cover image for SDFEditor - Constructive Solid Geometry editor with a non destructive workflow

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SDFEditor - Constructive Solid Geometry editor with a non destructive workflow

SDFEditor is a Constructive Solid Geometry editor with a non destructive workflow that uses Sparse Voxel Signed Distance Fields and Raymarching to render the scene.

The project is coded in C++, uses OpenGL 4.5 to evaluate the primitives data in GPU, generate the SDF volume and render it. The interface is also rendered with OpenGL using Dear Imgui.

Repository: https://github.com/galloscript/SDFEditor

SDFEditor Features

  • Create Box / Ellipsoid / Torus / Capsule primitives
  • Add / Subtract / Intersect operations
  • Primitive blending
  • Intuitive Primitive transformation gizmos thanks to ImGuizmo
  • Global material and lights configuration
  • Copy / Paste
  • Undo / Redo
  • Load / Save scene in an open JSON format

License and Anti-NFT Clausule

SDFEditor has a permissive license that let you use and redistribute SDFEditor in binary or source code if you follow a list of conditions. One of them is an Anti-NFT clausule that explicitly prohibits the usage of this software to produce any kind of content that would be used as NFT or for any other crypto-currency trading. Read the LICENSE.txt file for more information.

Download Compiled Releases

You can download Windows 64 bit binary package from Releases page.

Releases: https://github.com/galloscript/SDFEditor/releases

Discussion (1)

bennoh profile image
bennoH. • Edited on

Anti-NFT ✌️

Well done!! Art has to be for everyone and shouldn't just be for the elitist and wealthy. Just as artists should concentrate on their work and their projects as free as possible from financial matters.

& by the way: cool YT-Vid thx for all 💐