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VJ Union on Daily Dev is Public

News Announcement:

VJ Union on Daily Dev is Pubic


VJ Union on Daily Dev is Public

Discussion (3)

bennoh profile image
bennoH. • Edited on

I didn’t know this and did some research:

"daily.dev is a professional network for developers to learn, collaborate, and grow together." --- (from the website of it)
It seems that there is an app for it but also a web-based version, the Web-V also has plugins and extensions for various browsers to use it easy.

I don't think it's bad at all. I hope that some developers end up their Instagram, Facebook, etc. pages to the projects and can do everything with this.

Maybe someone (vdmo) can describe in more detail what is behind and in "daily.dev", why VJun.io is now represented there and what kind of content can be expected from VJun.io on daily.dev ?

vdmo profile image
vdmo Author

Perfect place to get news about web related browser displayed visuals and tech. Communities of developers near by and with few cycles it will come as tide comes with many offerings. Bridging together is nice. Much excite :)

Threejs, data visuals, webgpu, tools and techniques, AI, live coding , live coding with AI models, comfy UI, rust, open frameworks, nannou, web assembly, node code visual tools, editors and frameworks, 3D engines for the web plus oceans of waves that come after that .. developing direction 😀

vdmo profile image
vdmo Author

Genuinely seek to bridge more communities together and learn along the way ☺️