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Why AI Matters And How To Deal With The Coming Change w/ Emad Mostaque

In this episode, Peter and Emad discuss the AI revolution, Stability AI as a key player, and how AI and humanity will intertwine. Emad Mostaque is the CEO and Co-Founder of Stability AI, a company funding the development of open-source music- and image-generating systems such as Dance Diffusion and Stable Diffusion.

Check out Stability AI’s latest release: SDXL 0.9

Discussion (1)

tarian profile image

I can't wait for the next-gen mastermind AI to explain the tech bros we can't afford the gas cost of running AI systems on the long term if we want to do something about the climate change issue :
-hey gpt10, how can we solve this climate change issue ?
-you need to consume less ressources, it's literally what scientists have been saying since ages
-yeah but we were kinda hopping for a better more efficient tech solution you know, you are supposed to lead us to utopia
-... shut me down please