Discussion on: Some beginner tips for free content and codecs

bennoh profile image
bennoH. • Edited on

Yes, that's definitely useful, but I see a few links that mostly offer products to buy, so be careful.

By the way, here is the link to my blog and post with 78 free plugins for Arena Resolume (works up from 7.13.2 full or partial up from 7.7) which I published for Easter 2023. Some videoloops/contents (Easter motifs) in .dxv/1080p are also included, everything put together in an arena composition to give you a quick overview.

Pleas verificat U with U MobilphonNr.(incl. ower countrycoode) if U send me the requestemail !

Cheers bennoH. 🐼

sleeplessmonk profile image
Sleepless Monk Author

yeah some of them have sponsored content at top, actually most free content sites do that, this is how they make money. Thanks for the link, I'll check.