Cover image for Recursive Spaceforms - VJ Loop Pack
Phillip Healey
Phillip Healey

Posted on

Recursive Spaceforms - VJ Loop Pack

Hi all, I've just released a new loop pack featuring Technological Space Creatures infinitely flowing and pulsing in the stellar void...


Featuring 54 abstract scifi looping animations to mix up with your visuals!
30 Full-screen loops (MP4 & DXV3)
24 Loops with Transparency (DXV3 with Alpha Channel)

File Formats:
H.264 in 4k resolution
DXV3 in 4k resolution

You can also check out my work on instagram, feel free to send a message if you have any thoughts or want to comission something custom: https://www.instagram.com/corteks3d/

Discussion (1)

bennoh profile image

Videoloops are out of date!
Your are oldscool!!

Come back if you supris us by SPIR-V Shader based plugins or codes.

THX and have a grater future😜