Cover image for AI apps today - Jan 2023

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AI apps today - Jan 2023

.. we will have more by end of this year I believe ... ; ] ,,

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DALL-E-2 - https://openai.com/dall-e-2/
Stable Diffusion - https://stability.ai/blog/stable-diffusion-public-release
Craiyon - https://www.craiyon.com/
Jasper - https://www.jasper.ai/
imagen - https://imagen-ai.com/
MidJourney - https://midjourney.com/home/
nightcafe - https://nightcafe.studio/
GauGAN2 - http://gaugan.org/gaugan2/
Wombo - https://www.wombo.ai/
Wonder - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wonder-ai-art-generator/id1621278575
pixray/text2image - https://replicate.com/pixray/text2image
nneural. Love- https://neural.love/ai-art-generator
Runway - https://runwayml.com/
fliki - https://fliki.ai/
Synthesia - https://www.synthesia.io/
Mata AI - https://ai.facebook.com/
Google AI - https://ai.google/
Phenaki - https://phenaki.video/
Play.ht - https://play.ht/
Murf.AI - https://murf.ai/
Resemble.AI - https://www.resemble.ai/
Wellsaid https://wellsaidlabs.com/
Descript - https://www.descript.com/

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