Cover image for Blender Texture Sharing: Spout, Syphon and NDI

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Blender Texture Sharing: Spout, Syphon and NDI

Cover header credit : Riccardo Fasoli and thanks to newemka for news heads-up.

Texture sharing addon V6.0.5 for Blender 3.x upwards


Blender addon that allows to share textures via Spout or Syphon or NDI from and to Blender.

This works for current Windows (Spout & NDI), Linux (NDI) and OSX (Syphon & NDI).

⚠️ This library is still in development.

Texture sharing addon V6.0.5 for Blender 3.x upwards

*Please follow github repo notes on installation and steps to make it run. *

Texture sharing addon V6.0.5 for Blender 3.x upwards

Blender addon that allows to share textures via Spout or Syphon or NDI from and to blender.

This works for current Windows (Spout & NDI), Linux (NDI) and OSX (Syphon & NDI).

⚠️ This library is still in development.

State of Development


  • OSX Syphon Metal Server
  • OSX Syphon OpenGL Server
  • OSX Syphon Server Discovery
  • OSX Syphon Metal Client (blender 4.x upwards)
  • OSX Syphon OpenGL Client


  • Windows Spout Sender
  • Windows Spout Sender Discovery
  • Windows Spout Receiver

Linux, Windows, OSX

  • NDI Sender
  • NDI Sender Discovery
  • NDI Receiver



If you want to use NDI, donwload and install NDI SDK before you continue intalling the addon.

You also need to download manually the wheel files for your system.

The wheels for Windows and OSX can be found here. A Linux variant is available from here - this is untested, though…

Discussion (1)

isosceles profile image

Really interesting!