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Book: Live Coding: A User’s Manual

Live Coding: A User’s Manual by Alan Blackwell, Emma Cocker, Geoff Cox, Alex McLean and Thor Magnusson, is a new book about the history and culture of live coding, published by MIT Press as open access paperback and ebook!


Live Coding: A User’s Manual is the first comprehensive introduction to the practice and a broader cultural commentary on the potential for live coding to open up deeper questions about contemporary cultural production and computational culture. This multiauthored book—by artists and musicians, software designers, and researchers—provides a practice-focused account of the origins, aspirations, and evolution of live coding, including expositions from a wide range of live coding practitioners. In a more conceptual register, the authors consider liveness, temporality, and knowledge in relation to live coding, alongside speculating on the practice’s future forms.

For full information see livecodingbook.toplap.org

live coding a user manula book
Buy in Hardcover: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262544818/live-coding/

Live Coding: A User's Manual

Performative, improvised, on the fly: live coding is about how people interact with the world and each other via code. In the last few decades, live coding has emerged as a dynamic creative practice, gaining attention across cultural and technical fields—from music and the visual arts to computer science.

Live Coding: A User’s Manual is the first comprehensive introduction to the practice and a broader cultural commentary on the potential for live coding to open up deeper questions about contemporary cultural production and computational culture. This multiauthored book—by artists and musicians, software designers, and researchers—provides a practice-focused account of the origins, aspirations, and evolution of live coding, including expositions from a wide range of live coding practitioners. In a more conceptual register, the authors consider liveness, temporality, and knowledge in relation to live coding, alongside speculating on the practice’s future forms.

Read the book!
This book is published open access by MIT Press, widely available in paperback (please consider using an ethical bookseller), and for free download as epub, pdf or mobi files:

Download as epub(recommended for e-readers)
Download as pdf (may be easiest for laptops/desktops)
individual chapters are also available as separate PDFs via MIT Press.
Download as mobi
For e-readers, please refer to your device’s manual for how to load them. For example on kindle, you could use the send to kindle service, and on others you might transfer via usb cable from a computer.

livecoding book

There is also an experimental version readable online.

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