In the wake of the Max-Q ‘Monday Night by Satellite’ music video, and during the production of Third Eye’s music videos, ‘The Real Thing’ and ‘Pray’, a period spanning c.1987-90. At the time, Director Jeff Jaffers and musician Ollie Olsen lived together at Marine Parade in St Kilda. They hosted weekly gatherings at their home centered around emergent technologies. This informed the exciting ideals of the time.
These informal gatherings brought together interesting and regular guest speakers to discuss all things Tekno-Cyberdelic. Covering topics ranging from modems, computers, chaos theory, cyberpunk ethos, virtual reality, science fiction, futurism, techno/acid-house (electronic) music and other related topics.
This marked an incredibly formative and mind-expanding time of collaborations. For me, a passionate dive into digital and analogue video art, the underpinning impetus for the Cyberthon Public TV events to come.
Excerpt taken from the full “my two bob’s worth” article written by Adem Jaffers.
Originating Cyberdelia 2 Cyberthon blogpost.
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