Include window handle for TryStartCaptureFromWindowHandle and StartCaptureFromItem
Add m_hWnd to SimpleCapture
Add Spout sender to SimpleCapture
Add SendTexture to OnFrameArrived
Add command line window or display capture
Search for "SPOUT" in :
Main.cpp, App.h, SimpleCapture.h, SimpleCapture.cpp, SampleWindow.h, SampleWindow.cpp
Build with Visual Studio 2022 - Windows 64 bit only.
SpoutDX.dll must be copied to the folder containing the executable e.g. "\x64\Release"
Find it in : Win32CaptureSample\SpoutDX
SpoutDX - for this application, added function to send part of a texture.
bool SendTexture(ID3D11Texture2D* pTexture, unsigned int xoffset, unsigned int yoffset, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
Instructions for command line capture can be found in Spout\Binaries\aa-capture.bat
A simple sample using the Windows.Graphics.Capture APIs in a Win32 application.
A simple sample using the Windows.Graphics.Capture APIs in a Win32 application.
Created by Robert Mikhayelyan
Modified for Spout output
Pre-compiled binaries in Spout\Binaries
Search for "SPOUT" in :
Main.cpp, App.h, SimpleCapture.h, SimpleCapture.cpp, SampleWindow.h, SampleWindow.cpp
Build with Visual Studio 2022 - Windows 64 bit only.
SpoutDX.dll must be copied to the folder containing the executable e.g. "\x64\Release"
Find it in : Win32CaptureSample\SpoutDX
SpoutDX - for this application, added function to send part of a texture.
bool SendTexture(ID3D11Texture2D* pTexture, unsigned int xoffset, unsigned int yoffset, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
Instructions for command line capture can be found in Spout\Binaries\aa-capture.bat
Points of interest
Here are some…