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shadered - The most powerful shader IDE

shadered- The most powerful shader IDE

free, open-source, cross-platform, feature-rich




This shader IDE comes with a built-in debugger for shaders. The debugger allows you to step through your code, set (conditional) breakpoints, execute immediate expressions, add watches, etc...



With SHADERed you can easily see variable's value throughout the whole frame, place global breakpoints, see an instruction heatmap, see shader's execution time on the GPU and so much more.

Fully utilize 3D pipeline

Fully utilize 3D pipeline

SHADERed supports compute shaders, geometry shaders, render textures, 2D textures, cubemaps, 2D & 3D images, buffers, render states, 3D models, instancing, custom variables, etc...

Quickly prototype shaders

Quickly prototype shaders

With easy-to-use UI and features such as live preview, SHADERed lets you write shaders in no time.

Image description

Extensible & customizable

SHADERed provides extensibility like no other shader IDE thanks to the powerful plugin API. Expand it with: Godot shaders, Slang shader language, GIF capturing, node based editor, etc...

Image description

Open-source, cross-platform & free

SHADERed runs on Windows, Linux & Web (and it can be compiled for macOS). This program is completely free and its source code is available on GitHub.

Discussion (4)

sleeplessmonk profile image

Kinda losing track with all these different tools to use shaders. Would be super helpful if you made a article doing a side by side comparison of this one versus the others (to name a few : shaderboi, synthclipse, etc and also how to integrate better in touchdesigner and vvvv). I am happy to help in any way as shaders make up much of my VJshows lately.

vdmo profile image
vdmo Author

You in good place with ShadeRED and KodeLife with KodeLife probably more suitable for vjing uses.

bennoh profile image
bennoH. • Edited on

A bit late but the question is still whether tthst thing can only be used for HLSL or also for GSLS, i.e. for ISFs?

Best regards, bennoH.

& until you answer, dear VDMO, I'll take a look at Kode-Life, the ISF desktop editor is very nice but there must be something better with libraries and callable code blocks, automatically inserted functions etc. I know CodeWarrior from the early days and even then it was standard for coding, no matter what it was about.


Germ. O Txt

Etwas spät aber trotzdem die Frage ob das Teil nur für HLSL oder auch für GSLS sprich für ISFs nutzbar ist?

Mit besten Grüssen bennoH.

& bis Du antwortest lieber VDMO schaue ich mir inzwischen mal Kode-Life an, der ISF-DesktopEditor ist ja sehr nett aber da müsste es doch besseres geben miti Bibliotheken und anrufbaren Codeblöcken, automatisch einfügbaren Funktionen etc. Ich kenne noch aus frühen Zeiten CodeWarrior und schon damals waren dies Standarts beim Coden egal um was es dabei ging.

vdmo profile image
vdmo Author

You welcome to check types of shaders it supports here shadered.org/shaders