Cover image for Increase efficiently with good practices | Resolume Tricks - VJ Tips!
Zunayed Sabbir Ahmed
Zunayed Sabbir Ahmed

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Increase efficiently with good practices | Resolume Tricks - VJ Tips!

Here are some quick tips on keeping your RESOLUME ARENA project or playlist organized, simpler and easy to collaborate / share.
We will hear a very much biased opinion on sorting decks, edit thumbnails and colors and talk on the practices that increases efficiency as a live VJ and producer

Follow Zunayed Sabbir Ahmed
Instagram- http://www.instagram.com/zsabbir
Youtube- http://www.youtube.com/zunayedsabbirahmed
StudioZ- http://www.studioz.com.bd

Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/zsabbir

Previous release of this series- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2gtzqq_ULF6x_Z_sEaBlayyD1gE0Hoka

If you are new user of Resolume, its ideal to start with an overview video like this - https://youtu.be/U-oZYkVO4wM

resolume #arena #tutorial

Join #WeAreVJbd - http://www.facebook.com/wearevjbd

Script, Idea- Zunayed Sabbir Ahmed
AV Production- Ahmed Sifat
Audio Mix- Farsim Hossain

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