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NDI 6 Simple Monitor

Keijiro has upgraded NDI Simple Monitor project to NDI 6.


Nsm - NDI Simple Monitor


Nsm is a simple NDI monitor app that focuses on a single function:
displaying an NDI video stream.

NDI® (Network Device Interface) is a standard developed by Vizrt that
enables applications to deliver video streams over a local area network. For
more information about the technology, please visit ndi.video.

System Requirements

Nsm runs on the following systems:

  • x86-64 based Linux system with Vulkan support
  • arm64 Android devices with Vulkan support
  • 64-bit iOS devices with Metal support


Pre-built Linux binaries are available on the Releases page.

There are no pre-built apps for other platforms (Android/iOS). You will need to
install Unity and manually build the project.

How to Use

  • Select an NDI source from the dropdown list.
  • You can hide the dropdown list by clicking on an empty space on the screen. Click again to make the dropdown reappear.

Command Line Arguments

The following arguments are available:

Option Description
--source [NDI name] Connect to the specified NDI source.
--hide-ui Hide the dropdown list on startup.

You can also use the Unity Player command line arguments. For instance, you
can launch the app in windowed mode by adding -screen-fullscreen 0 to the arguments.

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