Tooll 3 is an open source software to create realtime motion graphics.
Get the latest version from: https://github.com/still-scene/t3
Or join Tooll3 Community on discord: https://discord.com/invite/YmSyQdeH3S
Also check FAQ: https://github.com/still-scene/t3/wiki/FAQ
Now.. onto the Tips and Tutorials
Tooll 3 Tip 002 - Raster Effects
Tooll 3 Tip 003 - Resolution Magic
Tooll 3 Tip 004 - The Rings Effect
Tooll3 Tip 005 - Snapping Keyframes
Tooll3 Tip 006 - How to Fix File References
Tooll3 Tip 007 - Animating the Steps Effect
Tooll3 Tip 008 - Procedural Camera Animations
Tooll3 Tip 009 - Animating String Parts
Tooll3 Tip 010 - Using points to draw Meshes
Tooll3 Tip 011 -Combining Point Buffers
Tooll3 Tip 012 - Noisy Point Trails
Tooll3 Tip 013 - Drive Animations with Audio Reactions
Tooll3 Tip 014 - Complexity with Invert Blend Mode
Tooll3 Tip 015 - Draw Quads with Variations
Tooll3 Tip 016 - Adjusting Soundrtrack and BPM-Rate
Tooll3 Tip 017 - Cloning vs. Instancing Meshes
Tooll3 Deep dive - Developing a operator for drawing animations with C#
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