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Vinyl Reality - DJ in VR - Now with Spout

Spout video routing

This update adds support for sending and receiving real-time video between Vinyl Reality and other applications (ex: OBS, Resolume, TouchDesigner, Processing) using Spout.

Spout uses the GPU to send real-time video between Windows applications with near-zero latency or overhead.

Video can be sent to Spout from the spectator cameras in all environments in Vinyl Reality, including custom ones created with the SDK.


Vinyl Reality can also receive video from Spout and display it on the screens in the Streaming Studio and Indoor Rave environments.

Possible use cases for Spout in Vinyl Reality:

  • Displaying custom visuals in the environments by receiving video from a VJ application
  • Customizing your video streams by sending video to another application and adding effects
  • Sending video directly to OBS for streaming

For more details on how to configure Spout in Vinyl Reality, be sure to check out the relevant documentation.

v1.1.0 Release notes

New Features and Improvements:
Customization: Added support for sending and receiving video using Spout

Bug Fixes:
Main Menu: Fixed link to Discord server

Big thanks to Flip Reality for contributing to this release!

FlipReality https://spout.discourse.group/t/vinyl-reality-now-supports-spout/516

VR vinyl DJ simulator Vinyl Reality now supports Spout.
It something I’ve wanted in the app for a ling time, so helped integrate it.
You can see a clip of it running on a custom environment I’m building for Vinyl Reality here:

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